THALASSAEMIA is a genetic disease that interfere with normal red blood cells and blood cells that causes fragile or damaged. This lump sum can produce continuous iron and gathered in several vital organs like heart brain, liver and kidneys.
This resulted in damage to the organ, and at the same time, the patient was pale due to lack of normal red blood cells. This is due to low hemoglobin level and require continuous blood transfusions.
If before this, most thalassemia patients in this country, particularly children, had to deal with difficult moments, including the pain each time taking injections for the treatment of the disease, but after this, they will breathe a sigh of relief when the government will introduce alternative methods of treatment easy. To be implemented by July, treatment with a drug Deeferasirox (Exjade) taken orally is expected to benefit the most optimum thalassemia patients as compared to the old method of using injections of iron chelation agent such as Desferrioxamine (Desferral). Previously, the method Desferrioxamine injection (Desferral) should be taken for eight to 10 hours a day with