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Saturday, 16 April 2011

How to install the sidebar guest book


On the blog Guest book is very important for interaction between the blog owner and the visitors..ok to the point..
To do please  follow the steps above:

    .go to this adress for register.
  1. As always you should list first by clicking the Get One noe writing, free>>, or by clicking on Sign Up, please write your data on the form that has been provided.
  2. If you already tedaftar, and received so shoutmix member, please login with your id
  3. In the column entitled Style , click the menu appearance .
  4. Please click the pulldown next to Load From Preset to set the display of your guest book, please select the appropriate to your liking. When finished click Save Settings .
  5. To get the HTML code of your shoutbox, please click Use the Shoutbox who are under the menu Quick Start
  6. Click on Place Shoutbox on the web page . Fill in width and height desired shoutboxn
  7. Copy all the existing HTML code in the text area located under the heading Generated Codes and save on your Notepad program
  8. Click on Log out on the top of your screen to exit the page shoutmix you. Please close the site.
  9. Completed
To place the HTML code shoutbox earlier on your blog, please follow the steps below.
For bloggers with a classic template :
  1. Log in first to with your id
  2. Click the Template
  3. Click Edit HTML
  4. Paste the HTML code of your shoutbox that has been copied in notepad where you want
  5. For details shoubox I take the example with mine, to put it in a browser just click Edit and select Find (on this page) .. then write the word the guest book then click find, then we will immediately take it to the text. If you've met earlier writings shoutbox please paste its HTML code.
  6. Click the Preview to see the changes that we make.
  7. If it fits with your changes, click Save Template Changes
  8. Completed

  1. For new Blogger :
    1. Please Login with your id
    2. Click the Layout
    3. Click Page Element
    4. Click Add a Page Element
    5. Click the Add to Blog which is under writing HTML / JavaScript
    6. Write the title of your shoutbox on the form title. Example: my guest book, or my guestbook or whatever you like
    7. Copy and paste the HTML code of your shoutbox in the form Content
    8. Click the Save Changes
    9. Drag & Drop elements that you created earlier in the preferred place
    10. Press the button Save
    11. Completed
and finish..please to try..and good luck!


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