How to make text walking in the up navbar is very very simple and very easy and for example,you can look at navbar from this blog.what are you doing for first time is:
1.Login to Account Blogger
2.Click LAYOUT
4.Then Copy Paste the code below, place it just above <b:skin> <! [CDATA
<script language='JavaScript'> var txt = ". . :: Welcome to MR.W`s blog...Thank you for coming!::. . '; Var speed = 80 ; var refresh = null; function move () {document.title = txt; txt = txt.substring (1, txt.length) + txt.charAt (0); refresh = setTimeout (" ; move () ", speed);} move (); </ script>
Furthermore, do not be in the Save first, try review if results are ok, just Save it.
Colored paper green please be replaced with the words in accordance with the wishes of my friend, then to regulate the speed of my friend can change the value = 80 according to taste. Hopefully useful for you all...and thank you!
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changing display color blog
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