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Saturday 16 April 2011

Knowledge about Nofollow and Dofollow blog


If you a must be know all about blog,like as Nofollow and Dofollow blog.
Dofollow and Nofollow are two different things because they have their - their advantages and disadvantages. If we commented on a blog and it turns out these blogs provide a backlink to us then the blogs are categorized as Dofollow Blog. And vice versa if our comments are not getting backlinks from blogs that we comment on the blog is called Nofollow Blog.
Anchor text in which there is a link that beratribut nofollow tells search engines not to rank or give further explore these links.
In the world of blogging these two terms can be interpreted as follows.
  • Dofollow is an attribute HTML in the form of anchor text that is usually contained within the target link which then links can be indexed by search engines or search engine.

    Example dofollow link: <a href = "" rel = "dofollow" > my blog </ a>
  • Nofollow is the opposite of which is also dofollow attributes HTML where existing links therein will not be indexed by search engines.

    Example of Nofollow link: <a href = "http://your" rel = "Nofollow" > my blog </ a>

From these two instances we find that the link target is and anchor textnya "my blog". And links that berattribut dofollow means the link target would be indexed by search engines like google and others, but instead link berattribut nofollow like the example above will not be indexed by search engines.

do you know? my blog is one of Dofollow Blogs and please comment on good and polite and please do not do the spammers.

Thus a brief explanation of my understanding about dofollow and nofollow. And if something is missing please add and if there is something wrong with my explanation please repaired.thank you...



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