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Saturday, 4 February 2012

Diet discipline


Be willing to change their lifestyle, including diet and exercise routines very important for those who suffer post-diabetes is confirmed. This includes individuals who are at high risk for type two diabetes. Active lifestyle and discipline in food intake is effective in preventing or delaying the spread of diabetes.
Due to be lifestyle-related diabetes, the main target is to achieve dietary control of blood glucose levels are normal. Individuals who suffer from diabetes type one and type two are taking insulin or oral medication must match calorie intake with medication or insulin in addition to exercise to control blood glucose levels.
Endocrinology Consultants Prince Court Medical Centre, Dr Norshinah Datuk Kamaruzaman said, well planned diet discipline, monitoring the glucose level testing is very important. Dr Norshinah said low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) and high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) are two conditions to watch people with diabetes who take insulin. "Ideally, patients should target glucose level readings before the meal at 90 to 130 mg / dL and levels during sleep 110 to 150 mg / dL," he said. Healthy Dr Norshinah said the dietary management for diabetic patients is not limited to a standard size. Instead, he said, patients should talk to a nutritionist for individual diet plan in accordance with general guidelines with regard to their health needs. For example, patients with type two diabetes with overweight and insulin resistant may require a different balance of carbohydrates, proteins from patients with diabetes of a thin and at risk of developing kidney disease. "Discipline diabetic diet also includes weighing and measuring foods to get the right amount of calories. For those new to adapt, use measuring cups and spoons and weighing grams. "Food should also be weighed and measured after cooking. After measuring all foods for a week or more, we are able to guess just by looking at portion sizes, "he said. Dr Norshinah said, diabetics can not take the attitude of not wanting to eat, especially those taking insulin. "Leaving food can upset the balance between food intake and insulin. This can cause low blood sugar and weight gain if the patient is eating too much. "Generally, they need to eat three meals in accordance with rules prescribed. Snacks are very important at the time of need, "he said. He said, for people with diabetes who want fast, some guidelines must be followed before a patient is allowed to fast so it does not worship and life-threatening. "If patients feel unwell, check the sugar and spot can be done at home using a glucometer to check the sugar content either high or low. "With self-monitoring carried out, patients do not need to waste time at the clinic. In addition to the challenges hyperglysemia, Hypoglycaemia and dehydration, control of medication should also be managed to suit the patient, "he said. Dr Norshinah said, when the patient is fasting, current medications need to be continued but the ratio is reversed or changed, such as the dose is usually taken in the morning will be taken at night. "This is because often the patient will eat much during iftar, including drug tablets and insulin injections," he said. In terms of medication, the dose taken in the morning can also be reduced if during Ramadan, they have hypoglycemia (sugar level under 4 mmol / liter). If this occurs, two options are allowed, the patients break their fast or abstain until the time of breaking fast. "In addition, patients also need to check blood sugar every hour. If they can not stand with symptoms such as dizziness, loss of focus, feel very hungry, shivering, sweating and chills they had to break the fast and the next dose should be reduced, "he said. He said, in terms of nutrition, the practice of pre-dawn meal is a must because of the prolonged effects of drugs. Meal time is better missed. Choose foods with carbohydrate content (rice, bread, noodles and pasta) and protein (fish, chicken, seafood dairy products) because they provide energy throughout the day and try to drink plenty of fluids during the meal and break. "Eating a date two to three seeds allowed . However, try to exaggerate the water and avoid drinking too much cordial. Eat in moderation and avoid greasy foods. "My patients like will give glucose diary to record the normal reading in which direction the same as a normal person. They need to test with glucometer. Entry to be made ​​two hours after meals, twice a week but if dizziness, patients should check immediately. Clearly, the problem is not too worrying hyperglycemia compared Hypoglycaemia because it is very dangerous. Hypoglycaemia is an incident of factors that need to be addressed by the patients themselves, spouses, family members and friends. Among the obvious symptoms are sweating, cold, hunger, headache, loss of focus, eyes so gray and want to faint. "My advice, if she went to work, drive or take public transport which is likely to get stuck in traffic jams, make sure the supply of carbohydrates is close with patients. "No matter you are in a plane, train or a bus. If Hypoglycaemia occurs, patients can drink water immediately followed by a sweet bread, dumplings, buns, or pack food such as sandwiches.


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